Sunday, January 27, 2013

Brave new world.

   Last night Brandon and I hung out with our darling cousin and her adorable boyfriend. They are the first couple we've ever hung out with that we have enough in common with that we can have an actual conversation. Or 7. Or 19. I'm not sure how many we actually had. They come over for dinner and a movie at 8pm and didn't leave until after 6am. We never got around to the movie. The four of us ordered some of the best food I've had in a while, and sat up just talking and laughing and eating and it was really fun, and an interesting experience. Even Brandon didn't end up playing video games the whole time they were here, which is a pretty big deal.
   It's nice to have a night with great food and conversation with new people every now and then, especially people we have that much in common with. My cousin and her boyfriend are both into movies, music, video games, Doctor Who, Star Wars, hell, she and I even have a similar fashion sense a lot of the time. We disagree on just enough to keep the conversations thoughtful and interesting. Brandon and her boyfriend got along really well too. It was just a generally pleasant night.
   The only downside was that for some reason, I was completely incapable of sleeping in. I'm not sure why. Cooper isn't home. I COULD. But I still woke up right on time to make breakfast this morning and then couldn't go back to sleep. I'm thinking it's just a symptom of being a mom. Brandon can sleep like no one I've ever met. He's STILL out cold at 12:40. I'm a little jealous. Oh well. I'll use this time to watch more Being Human and eat some of my delicious junk food. My midwives would probably not be pleased if they saw my breakfast of choice today, but that's ok. Some mornings you just gotta eat the ruffle chips in ranch dip and Kiebler girl-scout knock off cookies. I'm going with it.
   Meanwhile, back in adult town, I can't wait until we get our tax return. We're buying a car, and then I can take Cooper to do stuff, like play dates, indoor playgrounds, and swimming at the YMCA with Morgan and Allison. Not to mention when he's gone I can go out and do mommy things. I plan on picking Brandon up for lunch a lot, too. We have a plan that I'll drop him off at work a few times a week at least, that way I can have the car. It's going to be awesome. I just wish I was a better driver, since driving on the ice kind of freaks me out. I haven't had much practice. I might actually enroll in driver's ed. There's one across the street from our house. I haven't had much practice. Still, I'm pretty freaking excited.
   Baby is doing well today. The last week or so I've felt little flutters that I try to tell myself aren't the baby so I don't feel nuts for feeling it so early, but this morning there was no denying it was Baby. That is pretty cool. Now if only he or she would move more so I can be a little bit at ease during the day. Once Cooper started moving, he didn't stop, so I always knew he was ok and strong, even if it meant dislocated and cracked ribs for momma, it made me feel better to know all the time that he was SO STRONG. I hope this baby is too.
   Next weekend I'm hoping we can go see Warm Bodies. It looks so cute and funny, and it's a zombie movie, which makes it right up my alley. Brandon isn't excited for it though. He thinks it's a "bastardization of the zombie movie genre," and really thinks it looks dumb, but I figure it's my turn to pick. We so rarely go out on date night, so this is going to be fun. I'm pretty stoked. We just need to arrange a sitter for Coops.
   I need more foods now.

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